Aquarium Advice Addict
Alright many of you know I wanted to design a New Stand and make a SUMP/Refugium but with the Apartment landlord putting a Stop to it it killed my whole plan to make it. Any ways. I want to still make my Sump/Refugium I since my stand can only fit 10 Gallon tanks under it I was thinking of doing 2x 10 Gallon tanks One for Sump and the Other for Refugium I have to different design that I want to do but I am kind of in a mix up and what I want to do. First should I do a single Overflow Box or Should I do a Dual Over flow Box. The only reason being is becasue I want to also have overflow going into the Fuge and returing into the Sump as return. Or should I get a Single and Split it off just wondering will that work on a Single overflow to split off two way plumbing one to the main and one to the Fuge. That way I would not have to get a Dual. Just wondering what will work out better?
Any Suggestion or Comments or Ideas I will take Let me know

Any Suggestion or Comments or Ideas I will take Let me know