Aquarium Advice Addict
I got this 10 gal kit from wal mart, and anyone that hes seen it knows it has a little bitty power filter. While I was ordering (and since I wanted a bio wheel for it), I decided to see what I could find in it's neibour hood, well I found a 100 gph penguin with bio filter for 13.99, great thats just what I need I thought, then I saw it a 170 gph penguin and thought biggeer is better, right. Well it fits (with a little hood modifaction, yea, just cut out half the back). But then I got to thinking about it, it's a 170 gph, I got a 10 gal, it's changing my water up to 17 times an hour, is this too much? I know one thing the water is already alot clearer, lol. got my emporer 400 in my 55 gal also, it dosen't look like quite as much overkill.