Yeah he does, but I dunno when that is going to happen. I can't get another or a bigger tank, and he would destroy my 55 gal community in about 30 seconds.
He seems happy enough and the small tank size is keeping him from gettin any bigger. My frat brother owned his parents and he was born. Eventually he moved away and I rescued him from another "non-aquarist" frat brother who was "watching" the tank. It was awful, the water was about half full, and the only maitenance he did was to add water and feed him (occasionally, since he was out of food when I rescued him). I don't even think there was filtration for a long while.
I'm amazed he survived, but he did. He is much much happier now with a clean tank and fresh food everyonce in a while. Thats him in my avatar.
Maybe some day I'll get a bigger tank, but as it is now I have a 55 gal, a 20 gal, and an out of commision 8-9 year old 5 gal (my first tank, very very fond memories).