Aquarium Advice Apprentice
While watching my fish I thought one of my pearl gouramis was holding something in its mouth. After awhile I noticed it was more like a red bump on its lips
Only fish in the tank doing this.
7.0 pH 78.8F tank that's mildly hard water.
There's a redtail shark, bristlenose pleco, tigerbarbs, snails, congotetras, and 2 other pearls in the tank.
Difficult to get a pic right now since I recently fed them and theyre highly active but ithink I got a clear enough pic
Only fish in the tank doing this.
7.0 pH 78.8F tank that's mildly hard water.
There's a redtail shark, bristlenose pleco, tigerbarbs, snails, congotetras, and 2 other pearls in the tank.
Difficult to get a pic right now since I recently fed them and theyre highly active but ithink I got a clear enough pic