pH during startup

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 19, 2005
West Virginia, USA
My 29g SW setup is in the middle of the cycle. (ammonia=0, No2=5, sg=1.023, Temp=78 Deg F)

My pH is 7.8. Should I be concerned about this now or worry about it after the the tank is done cycling. (my research suggests a pH of about 8.2 for a FOWLR)

/agree .. mine was lowish during cycle, but thats otay :)

edit: oops i meant to add, if your doing it fishless :).... if your using fish id try to keep it up for the fishes sake, tho i think 7.8 would be okay if they are some hardy damsels or somethin :)
Just to satisfy my curiosity, what would cause it to jump to the 8.2 range once the tank has cycled?? :?
WooHoo said:
Just to satisfy my curiosity, what would cause it to jump to the 8.2 range once the tank has cycled?? :?
A water change :wink:

During the cycle period, the chemistry in the tank will be quite caotic. The acids produced from rotting susbatances is constantly pulling down on alk and pH. Once the cycle is done, the chemistry can be corrected. If you where cycling with freshly harvested and/or life encrusted rock, I would suggest the water changes during your cycle but that is not the case.

If after the cycle and the necessary water changes to lower nitrate the pH does not correct itself, you would need to look for environmental causes. For now though I wouldn't worry too much about it.


If you where cycling with freshly harvested and/or life encrusted rock, I would suggest the water changes during your cycle but that is not the case. answered another question I was about to ask about water changes during the cycle
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