Aquarium Advice Apprentice
For the last month or so, my pH level went up to around 7.6 and stays there. I was closer to 7 before that. Had a few issues with some fish dying but then the remaining fish seemed to be doing great in this condition. I’ve since done multiple small water changes, and have tried adding Seachem Neutral Regulator a few times. Will not change from 7.6
Don’t know if I should just leave it alone or try anything else?
I have a 20 gal, all artificial plants, HOB filter, some aeration, and 11 small fish:
1 Cory Metae, 1 Glass Cat, 2 Diamond Tetras, 2 White Skirt Tetras, 1 Serpae Tetra, and 4 Neon Tetras.
Also, my water has been a little cloudy the last week or so and my last water change was about 3 days ago.
Don’t know if I should just leave it alone or try anything else?
I have a 20 gal, all artificial plants, HOB filter, some aeration, and 11 small fish:
1 Cory Metae, 1 Glass Cat, 2 Diamond Tetras, 2 White Skirt Tetras, 1 Serpae Tetra, and 4 Neon Tetras.
Also, my water has been a little cloudy the last week or so and my last water change was about 3 days ago.
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