Pictures of my male GBR

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2007

Borrowed my girlfriends Nikon D60 with the stock lens... 18mm-55mm I believe?
Just set the camera right next to the glass and turned on as many lights as i could,
ISO of 800 I think.
Didn't think to adjust the white balance, so that could be better.
10g planted with low-light plants, driftwood, 2x 10w CFL (soon to upgrade come Feb birthday)
tankmates: female GBR, 3 lemon tetras, 2 ottos, 6 neon tetras.
That's a decent looking male. I'm just wondering though, why his pelvic fins aren't longer. They should extend past the start of the anal fins in males and I'm not saying it's a female because clearly it's a male, but it's strange to me that the pelvic fins are dwarfed. Hopefully they'll grow back soon!
That's a decent looking male. I'm just wondering though, why his pelvic fins aren't longer. They should extend past the start of the anal fins in males and I'm not saying it's a female because clearly it's a male, but it's strange to me that the pelvic fins are dwarfed. Hopefully they'll grow back soon!

:/ Beats me.
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