Thank you for your advice. I dont believe my frogs arent getting enough to eat. And I dont think my pictus is overfed. I attached a pic of one of my frogs and what I could get of my pictus. Im still learning, are my fish overfed??
You asked if your Pictus was stressing your frogs because it happens nightly. If it's happening nightly, then yes, it's stressing your frogs. As I said, Pictus cats are fast feeders ( as you can see in this video:
) and your frogs are not fast feeders. That has to be causing some issues. There is no reason for the catfish to be pushing around the frogs unless it's hungry or angry or accidentally doing it. But frogs can be very shy and prefer slower moving water and a less hectic environment which at feeding time, is not what is happening.
Can both be in the same tank? Yes, if the tank is large enough and there are areas in the tank that meets all the species demands. Are they a good combination? No, they are not. What you need to learn in this hobby is that not all fish and invertebrates can be in the same tank together. There are good combinations and bad combinations. When there are bad combinations, one side will suffer. It shows as death, disease, hiding, not eating, etc. So if you are losing frogs, it's probably from stress. That you lost a pictus is not that unusual as they can be touchy. As an importer, I've had boxes of Pictus come in with half the box dead and yet the other half did fine. No explanation as to why.
I'll also add that the crabs are really more a brackish water crab so while it does live in freshwater for some of it's life, it does not live in it all of it's life. They also need to be able to come out of the water for air and given the opportunity, can eat a sleeping fish or frog. ( Just an FYI