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I have 3 fish that look exactly like the black phantom tetra but they are silver/clear and they have the same black markings on them. does anyone know what they are? answers appreciated.
Black phantom tetras are black & translucent so I am not understanding your question. How do you know the fish you have are "not" black phantom tetras? Maybe it would help if you described the "differences" between what you have and the phantom tetra.
im sorry. i looked it up online and it looked different but when i looked in a book i noticed it was the black phantom tetrs. sorry that i didnt check first but thanks for your answers anyways.
Does you know if they are hardy fish? And the 3 i have seem to be schooling is that normal? The book says not to keep them in a community but is it ok if i do?
They do school and yes, they are hardy fish. They can be nippy though, but keeping them in a school, I believe helps limit that. I've kept them in community tanks with angels, discus, congro tetras and even live bearers without to much fuss.