POWERHEAD question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2006
hi all,

I have a question about PH's in my nano 15gal tank.Currently i have 2 HOB filters (left and right of tank) and about 17pounds of LR. tank size is 2' x 1' x 1'. I dont know how good is my circulation but how important is a PH in a set up like mine? do i really need to get 1?

I would recommend one to help keep the water turned and also to kick up the ditrus for the filters to pick up .... you also dont want to have dead spots where bad algea can get a foot hold and start growing . It is also important if you are thinking reef as well .
ok i shall consider adding in a PH then since im thinking of adding in some moderate light corals soon. which direction should the powerhead be facing? any advice on the power of the PH i should get?

ive set up my LRs in the center of the tank. im thinking of placing the PH at the side towards the back of the tank but if i do that,will the PH be strong enough to circulate the front portion of the tank?

sorry..just wanna do things right the first time.

I would place the ph opposite the HOB, this will give you a "colliding" effect and alleviate most dead spots, if not all. You can always move your phs if you do find dead spots.
I use the mini jets in ours we have the 606 and the 404s and they do well with out heating up the water ...As for placement you may just need to play around with it to see where it does the best for you ... if you keep the rock away from the sides , back and front you should have very little dead spots :mrgreen:
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