proud parent

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i have crabs

Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 3, 2004
chestermere canada eh
so i came home today to discover im the proud parent of 3 bangaii cardinals i just wonder if ill be that panicked to see my human child one day
ive been expecting them for some time but your never ready ive had the pair for almost 2 years and they have tried lots of times but this is the first they finished the deal thier is more to come but today i cought 2 1 is hiding and cant get close and 2 didnt make it through the overflow and filterfloss :cry: but the 2 i cought are now in a 20g ive had set up for a couple starfish while a tank was in hypo they seemed to have a bite of shaved brineshrimp ive got a live brine factory set up as of yesterday but havnt really done it before so hope it works
ive also read they will take cyclopeze almost right away so ill be getting some tomorrow
id have pics but the wife hid the camera i guess
Good luck. I think brine shrimp are too big for a first food though and they are not that nutricious. Might work though. :?:
i wasnt shure if rotifers were bigger or smaller than brine
i have a brine factory going hopefully it works out got the lfs to give me some live brine and they seemed to eat a little but its hard to tell thier so small
ive cought 3 now and 1 went missing (hopefully in a rock not a belly)
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