Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I was reading about putting live plants in a tank, but that seemed like too much work, so I'm thinking of getting plastic plants ^^
I got a plastic plant 2-3 months ago, and it seems to be breaking :X
-The "cup" thing at the bottom that you put gravel in fell off before I put the plant in
-2 of the 6 stems broke off when I was vaccing the tank and the plant floated up
-1 of the stems is bent and probably going to fall off if I touch it
Are all plastic plants like this or did I just get unlucky?
I got a plastic plant 2-3 months ago, and it seems to be breaking :X
-The "cup" thing at the bottom that you put gravel in fell off before I put the plant in
-2 of the 6 stems broke off when I was vaccing the tank and the plant floated up
-1 of the stems is bent and probably going to fall off if I touch it
Are all plastic plants like this or did I just get unlucky?