quick question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 7, 2008
...i got a new wet/dry and overflow today. The overflow has two compartments in the back? not shrue what one is for? one is for the water to go through the filter and down into the wet dry not shure what the other side is for? maybe a heater? really no idea? and should i put bio balls? or LR in the wet/dry i already have LR but will put which ever is better
can someone please answer me?!!! LR OR BIO BALLS? and is a protein skimmer necesary for a reef?
You can replace the Bio-Balls with LR rubble. Also I would definitely use a Protien Skimmer... How big is your Tank?
I placed my activated charcoal bag in that extra over flow space. Perfect place for I found.
As far as the bio balls I have them on the top part of the filter and LR rubble in the bottom of it. Not sure if that is ideal but it has work well for me. Good luck!
Moved to General Hardware and Equipment discussion. IMO a skimmer is very important in a tank over 30 gallons. It helps to remove DOC`s that later on help to fuel nuisance algeas.
Moved to General Hardware and Equipment discussion. IMO a skimmer is very important in a tank over 30 gallons. It helps to remove DOC`s that later on help to fuel nuisance algeas.
Hey Mel, just got my new Octopus HOB skimmer, has been running about an hour, and the cup already has some green sludge in it. Looks like it will be a very good investment
That is a great investment. I wish i would have gone with the Octopus instead. But the bak-pak works for me now. Maybe I'll upgrade to the dual Octo they have in the future.
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