Aquarium Advice Newbie
I have a very well seasoned 75 gallon planted low tech tank kept at 78 degrees. 0 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates(Java ferns suck up all the nitrates) 7.5 ph with 2 fluvall plant led strips adjusted at low to medium, FX4 filter with spray bar and pre filter on the inlet. Substrate is eco complete topped with carribsea supernaturals gravel. It is currently extremely lightly stocked with 1 male Boesmani (about 8 yrs old) who lost his two 8yr old girlfriends in the last year and 3 newer rainbows (1M 2F) sold to me as Macculochi rainbows. I have attached pics (sorry not better pics) I believe they are actually western rainbows (Australis). Anybody that can help with ID? I am looking to add 3 more of the newer rainbows (1M 2F). The male Boesmani will occasionally chase the others but will also school and swim with the back and forth across the front of the tank. My question, will the single Boesmani be ok with the bigger school do you think? Should I plan on getting him a couple of new girlfriends or will that make him more aggressive towards the others. Only other thing in the tank is 1 Nerite. Deaths and illness in family over the last 2 years have prevented me from adding stock before now. Other suggestions to add to tank? It has been set up for about 7 or 8 years. Appreciate any and all suggestions