Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Hi there, new here. I have been to multiple other forums and Facebook pages and local fish stores for help. First I want to note that ALL tank parameters are exactly as they should be. Any pictures that appear to be “cloudy” are either do to my phone, or pictures/videos taken after a feeding (fish will come out more with food present lol), or even a medication in the tank. This has been going on for about a month.
Just need help identifying what the issue could be. It seems to only be affecting my rainbow sharks like this. (I’ve noticed some abnormalities on my other fish but I think I’m just paranoid, none of the others have anything that look like this). So far treatments done are:
Aquarium salt, Aquarian Melacure, Seachem ParaGaurd, Tetra Lifegaurd, small round of Jungle Ick clear (mainly for the active ingredient, not because they have ick). I e treated for fungal infections, bacterial infections and diseases, and parasites. No improvement. Started as a small red spot, treated as an injury, then developed bigger and eventually into a fungus cotton like growth, which eventually leaves a deep hole, then follows up with death. developed mainly behind the gills on one side of the fish. With one developing it in-between the bottom fins, and the orange shark developing it in TWO spots, behind a gill but further up, and near the base of tail. So far 2 have died. Sorry for the long read, but thank you if you are still here. Asking very respectfully for no accusations of bad water conditions, fish bullying, or personal opinions of diagnosis unless you feel it could really really be it and/or are experienced!
Just need help identifying what the issue could be. It seems to only be affecting my rainbow sharks like this. (I’ve noticed some abnormalities on my other fish but I think I’m just paranoid, none of the others have anything that look like this). So far treatments done are:
Aquarium salt, Aquarian Melacure, Seachem ParaGaurd, Tetra Lifegaurd, small round of Jungle Ick clear (mainly for the active ingredient, not because they have ick). I e treated for fungal infections, bacterial infections and diseases, and parasites. No improvement. Started as a small red spot, treated as an injury, then developed bigger and eventually into a fungus cotton like growth, which eventually leaves a deep hole, then follows up with death. developed mainly behind the gills on one side of the fish. With one developing it in-between the bottom fins, and the orange shark developing it in TWO spots, behind a gill but further up, and near the base of tail. So far 2 have died. Sorry for the long read, but thank you if you are still here. Asking very respectfully for no accusations of bad water conditions, fish bullying, or personal opinions of diagnosis unless you feel it could really really be it and/or are experienced!
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