Yeah, one thing I don't have (anymore) is a fuge. I miss it - my fuge used to be covered with macro, full of all kinds of 'pods, and none in the main (this was before I moved up to a 180 from a 75).
I didn't design my sump very well - it's a custom acrylic 45G from I didn't put a place in it for a fuge, i was planning on hooking an external one up to it, but I've never quite worked out the plumbing. I think I'm going to T - off one of my 2 drain lines into a small fuge tank, then overflow that into the sump. But I'll need another acrylic tank to do it, and will have to figure out where the heck to put it.
A 45G change is easy - I had a drain pipe built into the area where the sump is in the basement - I drain straight to that (with a screen over the end of the hose so I don't suck up any little guys), then I pump 45G in from my giant rubbermaid tub. All said and done, 15 minutes is all it takes, and I usually don't spill a drop.
It takes a few days to fill from the RO/DI filter - I think i'm going to bump up the 45G change to weekly for awhile and see if that helps.
The down-side is the salt - it gets pricey after awhile.
ANOTHER problem I'm running into now is getting attacked when picking algae... in the left 1/4 end of the tank. My blue trigger - about 5, maybe 6 inches long, doesn't like me messing around that area. He's always nipped at me, but he's getting big enough to break the skin
I can reach out and shoo him away, but he comes right back. He's turning into a agressive little stinker - so I use a really big net as a guard, but that doesn't scare him either. At least I know I could catch him easily if I had to.
Oh yeah, he spits and grunts too. He's awesome. But his teeth are so sharp