Red algae in new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 3, 2006
Marietta, GA
I successfully started a new tank for the first time about 3 years ago and am in the process of starting up another tank but forgot all my learning.

The new tank has been up and running for a few weeks now and is starting to cycle. I have two small tetra in the tank which I have added to help the cycle. Here is the question. This week I have started to see a red algae grow on the surface of a rock structure in the tank.

Is this just part of the normal cycle process? As the levels balance out should I see this go away?
Depends on the algae: If it is more brown than red, loosely attached to things, easily brushed off & vac out, then it is diatoms & is very common in new tanks. Those will go away on its own after the tank matures.

OTOH, if it is dark red/black, comes in sheets, smells funny (or gross!), stuck to stuff & won't come off, then it is Red Slime algae - aka Blue Gree Algae or BGA. (Yes, some BGA can be red or brown!) That is nasty stuff & will take years to get rid of once established. You can control by physical removal & increasing current & O2 to area. Other methods involve H2O2, Excel, or antibiotics (not good for cycling tank.)
Thanks. Great explanation. It is definitely diatoms (brown, brushed off easily). I'll keep testing and doing water changes to cycle the tank and assume it will go away when the tank balances out.
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