Red eyes and Other Tetras

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 11, 2008
Saskatchewan, Canada
So after a lot of frustration with aggression and keeping bigger gouramis in my aquarium I'm starting to think I'd like to just avoid the bigger fish all together. I've returned my overly aggressive male goruami so right now I've got 7 red eye tetras and 6 cory cat fish in my tank. Does anyone have another smaller fish to recommend I could keep with the slightly hyper red eye tetras? Would something like a black neon be okay with the red eyes, or are the black neons too timid to keep with the red eyes? Could I get away with adding six to this 36 gallon planted tank?
A bit more searching google is giving me the impression red eyes + neon size fish = bad idea. I was looking into the tiger barbs but I'm not sure that I have the space in this take to support a 5+ group. How about zebra danio's?

Another option I'm considering is to add more red eye's for a bigger group as I'm a fan of the ones I already have. They've grown quite big though and new redeyes would be quite a bit smaller. I'm thinking I'd likely have to keep them separated until the new ones have grown enough..
I have Diamond Tetras in with Neons and I haven't seen any problems. Everyone gets their fair share of food during feeding time, even with the hyper/fast Diamonds. My Diamonds are my favorite fish, they can swim so fast, I'm really glad I got a 30g long, they love the wide open space up front. I've also kept red-eyes with neons, guppies, danios, and my diamonds.

When I added some more diamonds to my group, one was really small. Its been a little over 4 months and they are all just about the same size. They will grow quick with a good, varied diet.
That's neat, a small group of diamonds is on option I was thinking about. I think I'd be pushing my stocking limit by adding say 5 of them, but the tank is looking pretty empty with just the red eyes and the catfish. They are very pretty fish.
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