We went to our lfs on Friday he said our phosphate was up so do a 20% water change which we did, we then went bk on Sunday with a water sample but it was closed, so went to another 1 who told us our levels were:- salt 1.024, ph 8.1, kh 7, no3 25, no2 0, po4 .5, ca 400, mg 800. And not to do water change but add this reef supplement B and a phosphate sponge into filter, I've added 35ml of supplement B last night (went all cloudy in tank was the reason I asked on how to add), and have put this phosphate sponge in my filter, but this morning I've now noticed both my polyps are a shadow of their former self an look terrible all closed up an skinny looking, has adding these things killed them or can they recover, they were fine before I added thus stuff, as for rest of tank it looks to be fine.