Removing old sinking wafers

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 30, 2024
Barrie ontario
For CPO's how the heck do I remove the sinking wafer that he doesn't eat? I've tried a turkey baster, the wafer just comes back out and back into the water
I've had some success with a small fish net but sometimes it's hard to get it, and the wafer ends up breaking apart in the process
I can successfully get it out with my small gravel vacuum but end up having to remove a bunch of water just to get it

Any ideas? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Why do you want to remove it? The worse it gets, the more it's a treat for these little buggers 🤤🍔
Use a 1/4 wafer next time. Don't worry then if it isn't eaten. But... which kind are you using?

Like one size bigger than a pencil eraser, or like a dime or bigger? I guess I can't recall if I saw what kind and size it is to begin with!

I'd use Hikari Crab Cuisine. Use a half or smaller pellet piece. Economical and a decent basic food with minerals.

Then take some time to look into other food options to enhance his variety..
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