rummy nose tetra

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 14, 2005
St. Louis, MO
i just picked up 12 rummy nose tetras, and now i only have 8. doesn't exactly seem to be a hardy fish, and i have no idea why they died in QT. my water paremeters are perfect, so i'm literally baffled.

any of you guys had these before?
I currently have a school of them. Rummies in general are not very hardy. They are sensitive to water quality and do not tolerate a big change in conditions (pH, temp, hardness, etc). I've had great luck with the Rummies I got from Pet Market Place on Watson. That's where I got mine and the only death that I've had was due to cat curiousity.
Rummies are not hardy at all. When I got mine, I asked for 8. By the time the guy cashed me out, there were 3 floating in the bag. So he got me more. Once I got home, all but 1 survived, so I have 7.
i bought 4 of them and they had ick when i bought them but it was soooo minicule i didnt notice which pissed me off. 3 days and they were dead but all my other fish survived. these fish are worth the hassle though i think. they are amazing looking and school really well.
Funny. I've had the complete opposite experience as the three of you. My rummies turned out to be hardier than my black neons, black phantoms, pristillas, and checkered barbs. Guess I just got lucky!

My only losses were due to jumping - found two dried up on the carpet the day after I forgot to close the lid.
I think the type of Rummynose Tetra plays a big part. The True Rummies are not as hardy. Those are the ones that I have.
What is the difference between the 2? I can't remember. Not sure if mine are regulars or true. I got them at the lfs labelled as rummy nose tetras.
Mine are these: Hemigrammus bleheri

This is one of three species that can be easily mis-identified because they all look very similar. There is the True Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri), the Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) and the False Rummy Nose Tetra (Petitella georgiae). The H. rhodostomus and P. georgiae grow to about 3 inches (8 cm) whereas the H. bleheri only reaches about 2 inches (5 cm). The H. bleheri will also have more red coloration on the head and appear skinnier than the other species.
I've checked that article a couple times before and come to the conclusion that I actually have h. bleheri, the true rummy. My LFS happened to get a shipment of them that were tank raised and I had no problems at all with acclimating. I still have 5 of the original 6, and I've had them for a long time so I think the death was due to old age. If you can find rummies that are tank raised they are much more hardy.
Severum originally sent me the link when I was looking for Rummynose Tetras. She has links for everything! :D
Fishyfanatic said:
I currently have a school of them. Rummies in general are not very hardy. They are sensitive to water quality and do not tolerate a big change in conditions (pH, temp, hardness, etc). I've had great luck with the Rummies I got from Pet Market Place on Watson. That's where I got mine and the only death that I've had was due to cat curiousity.

Fishy, Seymour??? Have you ever been to that pet store in Valley Park. I think it is called Andy's or something. I've never gone in there. I saw it when I was searching on the web and I remember seeing it.
Can't say that I have LMB. We pretty much stick to the three stores that we love: Pet Market Place (on Watson), Tropical something (also on Watson), and Malawi Aquatics in Florissant. One of these days we are going to check out Beldt's. I've heard that they have an amazing selection. Ever been?
Fishyfanatic said:
Can't say that I have LMB. We pretty much stick to the three stores that we love: Pet Market Place (on Watson), Tropical something (also on Watson), and Malawi Aquatics in Florissant. One of these days we are going to check out Beldt's. I've heard that they have an amazing selection. Ever been?

Nope. i just looked up their web site. It looks nice. Where is Pet Market Place at on Watson?? Is it any good? I've been to Tropical World Pets many times.
That's the name of the place, Tropical World Pets. lol I couldn't think of it for the life of me. Pet Market Place is at the intersection of Watson and Laclede Station Road. It is on the corner in the plaza across from the contruction site of the new QT. You can't miss it. They have a great selection of community fish. Not so many Africans, but they have an ok selection. That's where I found my Acei Ngara. :D For Africans I hit up Malawi Aquatics.

Did you happen to catch the Consignment sale last weekend at Tropical World Pets? HUGS sale.
the place in valley park you are referring to is called Andy's Animals. i've never been there but i heard it's awesome

pet market place and tropical world are alright (tropical is great for african cichlids!), but they always vary. it's either i go there and i see their fish look great, or i go their and a good percentage of their fish look sick (mainly at pet market place).

the place i go (for fish only) is aqua world, and that's on gravois right past chippewa, in the city. their tanks are spectacular and their fish all look like their in really good shape. i've talking to the people that work there latelty and they've been telling me that they really stress the policy of not selling fish unless they're sure they're doing well.

i was gonna get some rams from them, and i was just looking at them and they looked kinda stressed, and i told the guy "they look great, but they're not very active" and he just told me "yeah i agree. why don't you wait a little bit and come back in a few days?"
from my own observations of other pet stores, i don't really see that kind of honesty anywhere else LOL. the only thing is that aqua world is EXPENSIVE. but i guess what you pay is what you get...that's why i buy my supplies from everywhere else and just get my fish from aqua world
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