Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 17, 2009
Wollongong Australia
Okay guys I'm intending on getting one of the most charismatic little guys in the reefs. Now I've been doing my reading like a good little boy and am wondering about whats being said about how many you should keep. Several places have said keep 2-3 cause then you'll see more activity and they won't be shy but others say one is just fine and they will still do everything just normal. Now in America they cost like $20-$30 on the internet. Here in Aus, I can't get them on the internet and the LFS gets them 4-5 in every month. They cost (brace yourselves) $110 AUD each. So, yeah, if I don't need 2, I AIN'T GETTING TWO! :D So yeah, experience, knowledge, please educate me. :D
I'd think one in a 28g tank will be fine especially at that price. Acclimate properly. Would hate to see you lose a $110 shrimp. Heck, if he's too shy, mortgage the home and get 1 or 2 more. :)
You can definitely get away with just having one. He'll still do his thing and once he gets used to you being around, when you put your hand in, he'll swim up to it and start trying to clean you. Feels really weird lol.
$110 AUD, isn't that just $15.00's American......Just kidding. One would work out just fine. Slow acclimate as AustinDad stated and you should be fine...
Holy smoke. Why are those things so expensive down there?

One in a tank - especially a 28g - will be just fine. I have one in my 46g, and have never even thought of putting another one in. I have a hard enough time keeping one away from my LPS when I spot feed them - I can't imagine trying to deal with two!

Yes... just one will be lively, outgoing, and a general pest! But still a really fun addition!
New business idea!!!!! Shipping shrimp to Australia. Need to buy my own plane equipped with fish tanks. I'll call it AirLFS. :) :)
I only have one in a 125g tank, though I do have some peppermints in there too.

Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Origin: Indo-Pacific, Sri Lanka
So why does liveaquaria have them for $14.99 US now and they cost 5 times that there?
Are you *sure* it's a skunk cleaner shrimp we're talking about? Like cmor mentioned... unless you have a LFS that is trying to take you to the cleaners, that just doesn't make sense. I mean... I surfed to some of the online shops I found in Australia, and while I couldn't find a skunk cleaner listed, their peppermints and coral banded shrimp were selling for $15-$25 AUD.
You will only need 1 but i have 2 because i had an ich problem. For that price i would just buy one. If you get money you should buy 2 and put them in a nice set up with no mechanical filtration and no coral so you can breed them and become rich!!! P.S mine breed
You will only need 1 but i have 2 because i had an ich problem. For that price i would just buy one. If you get money you should buy 2 and put them in a nice set up with no mechanical filtration and no coral so you can breed them and become rich!!! P.S mine breed
Cleaner shrimp will not remove ich! Ich buries itself under the skin of a fish and the shrimp can't get to it. This is an old rumor that has no merit.
I have just one in my 29 and i think he is happy. He follows me around the room and cleans my cuts (most I didn't know I had). Will deliver to australia? They have them.
Saltwater Aquarium Shrimps for Marine Reef Aquariums: Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
OK so while looking at that I found they do not ship to australia. Most other sites I looked at did not either. That might be the reason for the cost.
Yeah no one in America ships to Australia. It's just such a pain with livestock. Ahh well, I'll be right. Found out today on a LFS visit that Royal Grammas, (One of the fish I intend to get) cost $140. Yay. :(
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