Aquarium Advice Addict
Wow. I haven't checked out this tread in a while- it grew 10 pages! LOL. How is the tank coming along? (I'm too lazy to read through all the pages )
It's doing fairly well.... Not how it's supposed to though! LOL! Parameters are giving me a headache, wait, a migraine.... :shakeshead:
After my water change I trimmed the pennywort (I think that's what it is!) and planted the clippings. I am trying to get my plants to quit growing so tall and bare.. I also hacked the vals down to get rid of all the dead growth. Cambomba is doing well. The other day I had about 4 tall ones, so I trimmed them and planted the clippings. Now I have at least 10 that are about 5" or so. So that is going well! After my tank cycles I'll probably take the MOL and Wisteria out and replace them with something else. Not exactly pretty plants. I'll probably get a crypt, Amazon Sword, and something like the Cambomba and some more vals for the other side of the filter. HC and clover not so much.... Might trash at least the HC before it finishes dieing. LOL.
I was thinking a BN pleco, but I am worried about that because most of my plants (stem plants, so rootless trimmings when I bought them) don't have roots yet! So I don't want to have this huge fat fish just wiggling around my tank destroying all my plants
I am going to add my 2 amano shrimp along with 3-4 more just for fun
But for clean up, I'm not sure.... I don't want other fish to have to compete for floor space with the rams.... I was thinking maybe otos? I just don't want them to starve
The only fish I am concerned the betta might go after is the ram. I've been reading lots of yes and no's about that.