My 5g dwarf puffer tank sits no more than 3" away from my 90g planted community tank(in the works). Combining the filtration would really help keep the water in great condition in the puffer tank and allow water changes to the larger tank without stressing the puffers or knocking the eco complete and plants around. The tank is so small it's really hard for me to pour more water in without knocking things around or get suction started on the tube to remove water. There's also some algae in the puffer tank which would be taken care of by the plants in the 90g.
The 90g is using a jebo canister rated at 300gph and I'm moving my penguin 330 over from the 55g. Is there any way I can connect the dp tank to the 90g filtration so they both use the canister or another way to filter both tanks together? I thought a simple splice into both the output and intake of the canister with seperate smaller intake strainer and output in the dp tank. The problem though is possibly getting too much gph on the dp tank and how would I splice it? My 2nd idea was a sump type setup pumping water through the dp tank and back into the 90g but I haven't a clue how to set something like that up without flooding the place. I did read the article on this forum about sumps but I'm still a bit lost on how I would find the right size pump and tubing along with what gph I really want moving through the tank. Enough to keep the water in both tanks of equal parameters but as little as possible for the seemingly not so agile puffers. They really don't look like they appreciate current.
The 90g is using a jebo canister rated at 300gph and I'm moving my penguin 330 over from the 55g. Is there any way I can connect the dp tank to the 90g filtration so they both use the canister or another way to filter both tanks together? I thought a simple splice into both the output and intake of the canister with seperate smaller intake strainer and output in the dp tank. The problem though is possibly getting too much gph on the dp tank and how would I splice it? My 2nd idea was a sump type setup pumping water through the dp tank and back into the 90g but I haven't a clue how to set something like that up without flooding the place. I did read the article on this forum about sumps but I'm still a bit lost on how I would find the right size pump and tubing along with what gph I really want moving through the tank. Enough to keep the water in both tanks of equal parameters but as little as possible for the seemingly not so agile puffers. They really don't look like they appreciate current.