I need a little help. I had a defective marineland heater. My tank went up to around 90 degrees the other day before I noticed. I am fairly certain the heat up lasted less than 12 hours. I immediately took out the heater and used zip lock baggies of ice to gradually lower the temp in the tank. I was very lucky. All fish seem to be OK, and I have a small colony of zoos and an open brain coral that have weathered the storm thus far. The thing that tipped me off to the temp was that my fragspawn had not opened up. Since the spike, it has not opened up at all, and one of the heads has completely shrunk inside of the skeleton. I have done a water change and used test strips to ensure that the levels are all acceptable. Is there anything I can do to help relieve the stress, or is it a waiting game? Also, how do I know if the frogspawn is truly dead or not? Since the problematic heater, I have replaced it with a fluval 100 watt. I have a 30 gallon bow front. BTW, if anyone else has had the same problem, they have recalled those heaters, and Petsmart is replacing them without a receipt.