Aquarium Advice Apprentice
We have 6 rummynose tetras and one of those looks not too well.
He looks a lot smaller than the others and his tail is pretty much together and not fanned out, if you know what I mean. He seems to spend a lot of time near the top of the tank with his tail higher than his head, facing down at about 45 degrees.
He looks to have a couple of white spots on him but its quite hard to tell due to their colour.
All the other rummynoses seem fine as do *** the other fish in the tank.
Any suggestions?
We have 6 rummynose tetras and one of those looks not too well.
He looks a lot smaller than the others and his tail is pretty much together and not fanned out, if you know what I mean. He seems to spend a lot of time near the top of the tank with his tail higher than his head, facing down at about 45 degrees.
He looks to have a couple of white spots on him but its quite hard to tell due to their colour.
All the other rummynoses seem fine as do *** the other fish in the tank.
Any suggestions?