sick star fish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 10, 2004
Western New York
I have an African Starfish who has been in my main tank (20g) for about a month now, while I was out fish shopping today the power in my house went out for about an 1.5 hours. I came home and found my starfish's leg breaking off :? . Any starfish aficionados out there that can help? I don't think it's related to the power outage although if I knew why I wouldn't be asking :D . The 'rip' is about half way though the leg and if it completes it will cause a cross section of the leg to appear. I don't think it's reproduction because the central disc is still intact.

Will it die? Grow back? Does it need treatment?
I dont know what an african starfish is, but my brittle star lost half his legs and lived through it. I looks like a tripod now =P

What are your water perameters?
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