Single tiger barb fry

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Garden and Aquatics

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 28, 2024
Mansfield, UK
I have an egg extraction setup in the main community tank that feeds into a 50L just for fry.

today i notice that I have a single tiger barb around 2-3mm in length.

it seems weird that I only have a single fry.

only two days ago I fitted a sponge filter onto the 50L overflow back into community tank.

maybe the rest went back in the main tank

so happy
I have an egg extraction setup in the main community tank that feeds into a 50L just for fry.

today i notice that I have a single tiger barb around 2-3mm in length.

it seems weird that I only have a single fry.

only two days ago I fitted a sponge filter onto the 50L overflow back into community tank.

maybe the rest went back in the main tank

so happy
Well, if nothing else, you have living proof of both a fertile male and a fertile female in your collection. Congrats. (y)
Regarding only the one fry, it could have been just the first one to hatch. Also, Tiger Barb eggs are sticky and not floaters so the rest could still be stuck to where they were spawned. After hatching, the " wigglers" will most likely also be at the bottom of the tank if the parents or other fish didn't eat them. Get a good magnifying glass and search the plants and bottom. (y)
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Good point, glad about the fertile male and female.
Also it seems that the extraction is working.
I can barely find the 3mm fish most of the time so I'm not going to stand a chance at finding eggs or wigglers
Good point, glad about the fertile male and female.
Also it seems that the extraction is working.
I can barely find the 3mm fish most of the time so I'm not going to stand a chance at finding eggs or wigglers
This is why you need a really good magnifying glass. ;) I've found them to be the most important piece of equipment in all my hatcheries. I've found even the tiniest of fry with them. (y)
unfortunately I am using plastic tubs for aquariums, hard to see into in fine detail.

I am happy to wait and let things play out, no rush
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