Snails amd crabs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 23, 2012
We have a 15 gallon that's my sons tank has 8 mollies and 2 crabs in it can we put snails in it with the crabs?
What kind of crabs do you have and what size? What kind of snails ?
Some crabs can make a handy snack of snails.
There the mini crabs petco sales ones about a inch other bout two as for snails we not sure was waiting for opinions on here
Petco's mini crabs are fiddler crabs, and while the likely won't harm snails, they do require specialized tanks with land areas and brackish water which most snails can't live in. Also, a 15 gallon tank with 8 mollies will be pretty full, so I'd suggest holding off on snails.


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