Squamosa Clam

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Oct 21, 2004
My Squamosa clam has been closed up tight for a couple days now. Anyone have any ideas why? Is it dying? I would have thought it would be gaping open if it was dead. Any help will be appreciated. This is the only clam I`ve ever had. I guess it`s about three yrs old.
it shouldnt be dieing, but what do u feed it?when an adult clam u should be feeding it phytoplankton its for good health and growth they filter it from the water, it mite be having a off day but i hope it doesnt die they r lovely clams, it is 1 of the hardest clams to keep.. is it on a nice firm substrate?? it shouldnt be placed on the sand?
Thanks guys. As far as any snails Larry it has gathered a bunch of feather dusters on the side near the mantle. I thought I rubbed them off so as not to bother him but I guess not good enough. I dont see any of those Larry.
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probally bothered him then larry was right :) , is he ok now? got a pic of him i love pics of life in tanks?
This is usually him but he`s closed up tight for three days now. I do feed phyto once a week. I dont want to feed more than that because I dont want to foul up my tank.

very true as long you are :) thats a good thing, a lovely clam you hot there, dont worry he reopen and your worries be over:)
I will assume all water params. are satisfactory (also test for sg, pH, Alk, and Ca) so have you noticed any fish aggression (what fish are in the tank?) towards it or other invertebrates picking at the mantle? If the clam is now located on the substrate (doesn't look like it from older pic) pick it up and check the entire shell for pyramidellid snails, flatworms, etc. Sometimes clams will close for a couple days only to reopen as if nothing is wrong, but better safe than sorry.
I am thinking something is bothering it. When they die, they let go and open up quit a bit. Then everybody starts pulling it apart. I use to have little brittle stars crawl in mine and it would close till he could spit it out. Mine died because a peppermint shrimp would not stop "cleaning" it. Till he just went in and I think stressed it out.
I am thinking something is bothering it. When they die, they let go and open up quit a bit. Then everybody starts pulling it apart. I use to have little brittle stars crawl in mine and it would close till he could spit it out. Mine died because a peppermint shrimp would not stop "cleaning" it. Till he just went in and I think stressed it out.

sure he wasnt killing it , that what a peppermint did to my cleaner shrimp killed them acept 2 big 1s
Yea I agree with the others, it could be something as simple as a small hermit crab from your CUC. You may also want to do a check for any new hitchikers in your tank, they can definitely be the culprit sometimes.
Well it`s still been closed for about two weeks now.It wont open back up. I`m assuming that if it was dead it would open up?
Hard to say Mike. If it's not attached to the anything, can you take it out and smell it? You will know in a sec if it's dead or alive.
You was wrong Larry. I knew in half a second. Thought I was going to throw up it was so bad. Definitely was dead.
Sorry about the loss.
Smell is an unmistakable way to tell if an invert is dead or alive.
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