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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 27, 2005
I was wondering if there was any reef safe starfish for a 10gl nano. I think its to small for one but you guys no more than i do. One more question i'm having a little diatom bloom right now in my nano and can't figure out why, I haven't done any thing different, My weekly water change with ro/di water i tested for trates and they are 10 and no po4. there is 20lbs of live rock in there and a aquaclear 110 full of lr rubble oh a 2-3 inch sand bed 65 wts of pc lighting on 10 hrs a day i can't figure it out. plus 4 hermits and 1 turbo and 4 nass snails sorry can't spell there name.
I think the nitrates are a bit higher then most of us like to see them. try reducing the amount of food and how often you feed. You could also reduce the number of hours your lights are on. As for the star fish I think a small brittle star wouldn't hurt but I don't know much about them either. I'm sure others will chime in. I just added a banded serpent star to my tank. HTH
How often are you feeding? As mentioned above I would reduce them to every other day. I`ve been doing that in my tank for 9 yrs now. I`m also going to move this to the nano forum where more experienced people on nano tanks can answer your question. Hope all goes well.
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