Stocking a 180 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 27, 2024
Dear people,

I started a new 180 gallon or so project. The tank has been cycled and fish seem healthy. But im wondering how to finish my project, cichlids have some different stories behind them.

I currently have:

5 cory sterbai
2 apistogramma cacatuoides
2 Trichopodus trichopterus goerami
2 Trichogaster chuna Goerami
3 Bristlenoe plecos
5 five stripe barbels - Desmopuntius pentazona (more peaceful)
Some of the brown kuhli loach

So im looking for a finisher (and maybe a shoal) and cichlids always look cool. I was advised stuff like Ellioti, but hearing different stories about them.

The bottom is already filled enough. So more something that would go in the middle or top.
If you have the right water parameters, what about a school of Rainbowfish or larger Rasbora species? These will be middle to top dwellers.
If you have the right water parameters, what about a school of Rainbowfish or larger Rasbora species? These will be middle to top dwellers.

Yeah, but want to decide on a centerpiece first and not get overstocked. Which is a fear of mine. I would like a middle size cichlid or the smallest type of angel. Then see if the shoal can fit with it. These are nice but might fill up the tank. Although middle /top isnt full
Yeah, but want to decide on a centerpiece first and not get overstocked. Which is a fear of mine. I would like a middle size cichlid or the smallest type of angel. Then see if the shoal can fit with it. These are nice but might fill up the tank. Although middle /top isnt full
Personally, a single fish as a centerpiece can often be a problem and if you are thinking cichlid, even more docile ones, most stay towards the bottom which you have a lot of fish already there. A " Centerpiece " aquarium is a style I'm not all that fond of TBH. Something to think about: A balanced tank where there are fish at the top, middle and bottom, is a more attractive tank because there are fish everywhere you look and they usually will get along better than fish all on one level. :unsure:
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