Stocking community tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 18, 2025
New York
Looking for some guidance, new to freshwater. I just set up my son first tank, finished cycling a week ago and added 6 lemon tetra. Over the next couple of months I want to maybe add two more, a few Corydoras and my son is asking for some Congo tetras as well. The only problem is that it’s 29 gallon. Is this doable and if so, what is the suggested amount of each fish? Thanks in advance.
I would skip the Congo Tetras. They get too big for a 29 and are active swimmers. They need longer tanks. As for the cory cats, they like to be in schools so I'd get at least 5 or 6. Most cory catfish like some current in their tank so make sure you supply that for them as well. (y)
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