Hi all. I'm new to this forum! 
Currently thinking of ideas to stock my new 125L Fluval Roma aquarium.
I currently have one super red bristle nose pleco and three cherry shrimp.
I'm looking to get some colourful feature fish (maybe a pair)? And then some more shoaling fish.
Has anyone got any ideas what I can stock? And how many of each please? I've been looking and looking but cannot figure out how many I can have and what will work well as a community tank.
My current PH is sitting at around 7.6 PH. And I'm based in Swindon, UK which is pretty hard water. So not sure if I can go for something like German Rams as they like it pretty soft. I love Cichlids but they are pretty aggressive in a community tank plus my aquarium is quite heavily live planted.
Many thanks!

Currently thinking of ideas to stock my new 125L Fluval Roma aquarium.
I currently have one super red bristle nose pleco and three cherry shrimp.
I'm looking to get some colourful feature fish (maybe a pair)? And then some more shoaling fish.
Has anyone got any ideas what I can stock? And how many of each please? I've been looking and looking but cannot figure out how many I can have and what will work well as a community tank.
My current PH is sitting at around 7.6 PH. And I'm based in Swindon, UK which is pretty hard water. So not sure if I can go for something like German Rams as they like it pretty soft. I love Cichlids but they are pretty aggressive in a community tank plus my aquarium is quite heavily live planted.
Many thanks!