Stunted fish

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Google it!!! They dont grow anymore. Actually they slowly start dying. Its basically a disease to them if that happens
o.jonathan.o said:
Google it!!! They dont grow anymore. Actually they slowly start dying. Its basically a disease to them if that happens

Aw, what a shame :( I'd loved to have googled it, but I've only got internet on my phone, and every time I try to go on the internet it keeps saying that it can't load the page :mad: is it just being in a tank thats too small that stunts fish, our can anything else do it to them?
What kind of fish are we talking about? And yes it's the tank size. What's your tank size also
o.jonathan.o said:
What kind of fish are we talking about? And yes it's the tank size. What's your tank size also

My fish aren't stunted (although I've got some very slow growing young guppies), I'm just curious.
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