sump/refuge design

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 12, 2009
hey guys i have a 10 gallon sump and its BEHIND MY TANK, because my dad said to put them because it's where an old fridge was and i had the room. i want to have my 10 gallon sump/refuge under my tank, because i have a wooden stand. My fuge is succesfull and stuff but i just have everything thrown in, i have fuge on 1 side and return pump on side with scimmer and stuff,only separated by a peice of eggcrate that isnt even glued in place. I have thought that i may just buy a brand new 10 gal tank and do this to it:
reef stuff.jpg

tell me what is hould fix, i made this myslef so there is probable something wrong lol!
I would switch the baffles that are next to the protein skimmer with the ones next to the return pump and then in the one next to the return pump, add an extra baffle so that the water has to overflow into the pump chamber. The way you have things now I think will make the entire sump have the same water level so when it goes down, it goes down everywhere, instead of just the return pump chamber.
Personally I like the last baffles because you will create bubbles with it overflowing unless you have the water level higher than the final "up" baffle.

I would get rid of the bubble trap right after the skimmer. It isn't needed as you only need one bubble trap at the end.
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