Aquarium Advice Freak
hey guys i have a 10 gallon sump and its BEHIND MY TANK, because my dad said to put them because it's where an old fridge was and i had the room. i want to have my 10 gallon sump/refuge under my tank, because i have a wooden stand. My fuge is succesfull and stuff but i just have everything thrown in, i have fuge on 1 side and return pump on side with scimmer and stuff,only separated by a peice of eggcrate that isnt even glued in place. I have thought that i may just buy a brand new 10 gal tank and do this to it:
tell me what is hould fix, i made this myslef so there is probable something wrong lol!
tell me what is hould fix, i made this myslef so there is probable something wrong lol!