Aquarium Advice Activist
I have made 3 new additions to my tank.
2 Oscilleris Clownfish
1 Banded Coral Shrimp
I switched on the light to catch any pods out and about but my banded coral shrimp was chasing the Clownfish and sometimes using those big pinchers to grab them making contact sometimes. This only happens if the clowns get near his territory which is under the sponge filter of the powerhead which the clownfish has kind of chosen as a "make-shift host".
Will getting an anemone help the clownfish?
What should I do about the Banded Coral Shrimp?
I also noticed that these little Clownfish (about an inch long) are really struggling against the current of my tank. I have a powerfilter on at full power and a skimmer on that tank plus the powerhead running at around 200 GPH. It seems like they get tired and they rest on the sand and then they get chased by the shrimp.
If I do get an anemone I only have regular 7500k coralife 20Watt lamp. But I have a 130 watt on order but will not be here till next week.
Will a bubble tip be ok for these clowns?
Will the anemone be ok for a week or two till the light comes in?
Tank parameters.
Nitrate 0-5.0
Nitrite 0.0
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0.25
Temp 81*
2 Oscilleris Clownfish
1 Banded Coral Shrimp
I switched on the light to catch any pods out and about but my banded coral shrimp was chasing the Clownfish and sometimes using those big pinchers to grab them making contact sometimes. This only happens if the clowns get near his territory which is under the sponge filter of the powerhead which the clownfish has kind of chosen as a "make-shift host".
Will getting an anemone help the clownfish?
What should I do about the Banded Coral Shrimp?
I also noticed that these little Clownfish (about an inch long) are really struggling against the current of my tank. I have a powerfilter on at full power and a skimmer on that tank plus the powerhead running at around 200 GPH. It seems like they get tired and they rest on the sand and then they get chased by the shrimp.
If I do get an anemone I only have regular 7500k coralife 20Watt lamp. But I have a 130 watt on order but will not be here till next week.
Will a bubble tip be ok for these clowns?
Will the anemone be ok for a week or two till the light comes in?
Tank parameters.
Nitrate 0-5.0
Nitrite 0.0
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0.25
Temp 81*