I have a 55g tank with 6 white skirt tetras and 8 guppies and some nerite snails. I would like to add a 3rd fish species to the tank. The issue is, I don’t want something aggressive that will eat or bully my current fish, BUT, one or a few of my white skirts are also a bit nippy, so I’d be afraid to add something with too long of fins. What are my options? I am still fairly new to the hobby as well, so nothing too hard either. I would like something a bit larger that I could fit a few in my tank if possible.
I have a 55g tank with 6 white skirt tetras and 8 guppies and some nerite snails. I would like to add a 3rd fish species to the tank. The issue is, I don’t want something aggressive that will eat or bully my current fish, BUT, one or a few of my white skirts are also a bit nippy, so I’d be afraid to add something with too long of fins. What are my options? I am still fairly new to the hobby as well, so nothing too hard either. I would like something a bit larger that I could fit a few in my tank if possible.