where should i pull water from to test? The bottom? The top? Maybe middle? I have read that KH will test higher near the surface so i was curious.I retested my water today using all API liquid tests. Here is the results.
*** water was taken off the surface
Salinity 1.022 /1.023
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10ppm
Calcium 440 ppm
Carbonate Hardness 16dKH (286.4 ppm)
PH 8.2
Phosphate <.25
The only thing I have dosed is Proper PH 8.2. My 1 head of Xenia (already on LR when purchased started to shrivel and look skinny, I was told by my LFS that this was because my PH was around 7.7 and Xenia don't like that!). How do I lower my KH?
*** water was taken off the surface
Salinity 1.022 /1.023
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10ppm
Calcium 440 ppm
Carbonate Hardness 16dKH (286.4 ppm)
PH 8.2
Phosphate <.25
The only thing I have dosed is Proper PH 8.2. My 1 head of Xenia (already on LR when purchased started to shrivel and look skinny, I was told by my LFS that this was because my PH was around 7.7 and Xenia don't like that!). How do I lower my KH?