The Forty Gallon Breeder Build

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 21, 2011
California Coastline
So yesterday, I got my 40 gallon breeder! We were in luck, Petco was about to close but thankfully they let us in along with all the other numerous customers that came in at last minute for fish. Thankfully no one wanted forty gallon breeders, so we got a good one. Unfortunately though I had to give up my twenty high and my thirty gallon community to get it. The twenty I got a full refund on for the heater, tank and hood and the thirty will be going to my cousin for his birthday in two weeks or so. It originally did belong to him anyways, so I guess its time to give it back. :)

So this is where I will be keeping track of all my forty gallon breeder setup! I will be posting pics, asking questions about possible fish, plants and lighting requirements, and this will be where I will update on cycling in order to keep myself from posting multiple threads at a time. As for cycling, right now I'm seeding some filter media before I give the tank to my cousin, and then I'll start cycling my tank. My aunt also has pure ammonia, no dyes additives or coloration anything, so I am asking her for that. However quick question, if it is ammonia for medical purposes do you think it is pure? If not otherwise I will have to wait another month or so for them to convert an old movie rental place into Ace Hardware to get my pure ammonia right down the street.

For the fishies, right now my focus is on angels. I love angels but sadly never have had enough room for them, so I believe this should be enough space for them. I've also been focusing on other fish too, but I would like my angels to be centerpiece fish. What do you think of the stocking list so far?
X2 angel pair
X6 rummynose tetras
I am also interested in other possibilities but am not sure if I have enough room. I like rainbows, however I know this is not a big enough tank for them. Are there any dwarf species commonly available? Would threadfins possibly work?
Also I am starting to get interested in the golden killifish. I was wondering if I could get a pair? Or would they get territorial with the angel pair? If they would is it better to keep all females instead, and if so how do you tell the sexes apart?
Think any other fish could fit in there or do you have any other ideas? Feel free to share, I am open to possible stocking options! :)
I wanted to go heavily planted on this tank because I like the value of plants and the color they provide to the tank, it's much more natural and somewhat more calming to me. :) I want a good light fixture, so instead of buying the hood that comes with the light for the forty breeder at Petco, I decided to get a better one instead. What do you think of T5 lightbulbs? The fixture comes with two T5 lightbulb fixtures, should that be enough light to grow at least some plants?
Sorry for the lengthy post! Hope you didn't hurt your eyes reading through this. :)
Isn't a 40B a little shallow for angels with substrate and all?

Hmm, I guess I wasn't thinking that. Will get measurements of the height.

2x angel pair... do you mean 2 angels, 1 pair? 2 pairs won't work in a 40 breeder IMO. I'd worry about the GBR when the angels breed too.

I mean 2 angels that are going to pair off. I guess I will leave the GBR out of it.
Update as of this night:
Got back home after some errands, tennis, dinner and a quick look at the LFS for golden killies and I began to cycle my sponges. I put them in the filter along with the other sponge. I left the activated carbon and the ceramic mesh bag in the tank. Do the carbon and mesh have to be in the filter in order for the bacteria to absorb ammonia and nitrites? I plan on keeping them in there for a month, do you think they will have enough bacteria to do a fish-in cycle with a honey gourami in a forty gallon breeder for a month or do you think it's best I try fishless instead? Please help me! :)
So after some PMs and talk with a fellow member, I have decided on four killifish, one male and three females. I have a five gallon ready if the male decides to pair up with a female. I was looking and saw some threadfins at the LFS too. So could you tell me if this tank is overstocked yet, if so what fish should I get rid of???
My Current Stocking Plan for a Forty Gallon Breeder:
-one angel pair
-school of some sort of tetra (undecided still)
-school of threadfin rainbows or some other small possible rainbow?
-four golden killifish with a ratio of one male to three females
-one honey gold gourami
-eight emerald cories

Is that tank stocked, overstocked, just right, understocked? If overstocked what do you reccomend? I am planning on having two filters in there, an AquaClear and an Aquaeon, the Aquaclear rated for up to fifty gallons and the Aquaeon for forty gallons. Please let me know! Thanks. :)

**edit: mean seeding the sponges, sorry!**
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Another Update! :)

So I've been researching plants that I'd want for the tank. So far I have java fern, anubias, rotala indica, myrio and some species of smaller hygro in my tank. I do not have the correct lighting for these plants unfortunately but thankfully my tank is by a window sill so sunlight helps them flourish a bit. I wanted to add these plants to my tank, along with these.
As a Carpet Effect:
-java moss?
-christmas moss?
For the Foreground:
-the smaller species of hygro
-micro sword
-pygmy chain sword
For the Middle:
-java fern
-water trumpet
-Limnophilia Aromatica, aka Rice Patty Herb
-italian val
-baby tears
-dwarf saggitaria
-banana plant
-Blyxa Japonica
For the Background:
-Elodea (egeria densa, I wanted to use this to fill any empty spots in the tank because it's not very pretty IMO but grows fast)
-amazon sword
-Ludwiga respens
-Giant hygro
-water sprite
-rotala indica
-water wisteria
Floating Plants:
-duckweed? or is it too invasive?

Now I know this is a LOT of plants to fit into a forty but that's what I like, really heavily planted tanks, I like the look of an underwater jungle or forest intermingled with driftwood. However I know all these plants need A LOT of light. Do you think a T5 dual fixture that fits two bulbs will be sufficient lighting?

Again, thank you for responding or subscribing! :)
Is the T5 fixture a 'high output'? Does the fixture have a good reflector? If yes on both of these then I think you will have sufficient lighting (but I am still learning my self).
This tank sounds like it will be awesome! I can't wait to see pictures of the gold killifish!
Thanks! I don't know if it has a reflector, however it did say "high output". If not I will try to find another one. I know can't wait to set it up! For now its still an empty tank in the living room but once I get rid of my thirty I can set it up in my bedroom and it will be all good to go! I talked to the LFS yesterday and they said they could put some on hold for me if I called a few weeks in advance, how cool is that? :)
I have never seen a T5HO light that doesn't have a reflector (I think you are in good shape). Is it one of those zoo Med lights?
No, I saw it at Petco, it's like one of those sunlights or sun light brand or moonlight shine or whatever, can't remember the name but it was on sale for a decent price, seventy dollars! Didn't include the bulbs though.

do you think a peacock eel could fit in with the stock i have planned or not?
No, I saw it at Petco, it's like one of those sunlights or sun light brand or moonlight shine or whatever, can't remember the name but it was on sale for a decent price, seventy dollars! Didn't include the bulbs though.

do you think a peacock eel could fit in with the stock i have planned or not?

Yep its the Zoo med aquasun t5ho light fixture, just bought it like 3 days ago sems like a decent light. Their are only 2 bulbs that they offer for this the Flora sun for plant growth and the Ultra sun which mimic natural sunlight. They also have an actinic bulb too. All in all I like this light, especially for the price.
YES that's the one I saw! Will have to get that. I want the flora sun bulb for plant growth since I will be keeping so many plants espcially ones with high light, can you only fit one bulb in there? I thought it was two. What do you think, is it okay for plants?
bruinsbro1997 said:
YES that's the one I saw! Will have to get that. I want the flora sun bulb for plant growth since I will be keeping so many plants espcially ones with high light, can you only fit one bulb in there? I thought it was two. What do you think, is it okay for plants?

I am pretty sure it is a two bulb fixture. And yes it will be good for plants. Right now in my duel T5HO fixture I have the Flora sun bulbs, and the plants seem to like them. The only thing that I will tell you is the bulbs are very pink/red (more than I like). The next time I change my lights I will probably get the ultra sun (I think that is what it is called) they are 6500k instead of 5000k.
When you mean they are pink/red does that mean the bulbs are pink/red or the tank has a pinkish/reddish light tinge to it?
Do you think ultra sun would be better for the plants instead of flora sun? I'd like to know, there's a price difference...
bruinsbro1997 said:
When you mean they are pink/red does that mean the bulbs are pink/red or the tank has a pinkish/reddish light tinge to it?
Do you think ultra sun would be better for the plants instead of flora sun? I'd like to know, there's a price difference...

I have the same fixture. It is noticibly pink both in bulb color, and light color.
As in the bulb is pink or the water looks pink from the bulb? I really don't like pink water, is ultra sun a better option and will it still provide some good light for plants?
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