There is this red algae all over my tank and rocks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 15, 2012
New York
There is this red algae all over my tank and rocks. What do I do for this ??


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How old is your tank (How long have you been running it for?) the summer season is here now and if your tank is getting a lot of light you might want to reduce the time your lights are on? how long do you have them on for?
I have the same problem but not nearly as bad. There is no natural light that gets to tank. I have 240watts of LEDs for about 8 hrs a day. I do 30% water changes weekly with ro/DI water. All parameters are 0. I run a gfo, nitrate and carbon reactors. Ozone and protein skimmer. Any answers?
30% weekly I would say is far to much I do 10% about every 6 to 8 weeks, I know people who do only 10% every 3 months. My main thing mind you is watch your tank and when the corals start to close I would say its time to water change. All tanks differ so I wouldnt take 10% every 6 to 8 weeks as a given. I have lots of sunlight in my tanks so I only give it about 3hrs a day right now with the lights on any mre than this then I start to get GHA.
I also like to change from 20% to even 50% of my water, depending on the tank. :)

I've had the red cyano in all my tanks at the beginning, even with massive water changes. I've used chemical solutions though to fix the issue, I have no patience at all! I used red slime remover and the slime was gone overnight like a miracle. I also have not had any issues with the cyano after the first initial outbreaks. If you choose to go with a chemical just be sure to read the instructions and follow them exactly. I had no ill results with my corals or fish while using it.

Good luck
I have been doing some reading about using red slime remover and chemi-clean. There is a theory that since its a bacteria and we use antibiotics to remove it that they could build up an immunity and every time it comes back it could be worse! I hope not already used it once about a year ago
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