They call me Mo8Cinco

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 15, 2011
What up forum?

I just signed up today,

i got a 60 gallon saltwater tank, everything is going smoothly so far i got my live rock sitting on my sand with a beatuiful clown fish a bicolor angel and a black and yellow sailfin tang, i also got a small little zebra damsel with a shrimp in there as well, i have had it running now for 2 months and everything is going extremely well, the filter is doing great it keeps my water crystal clear, i have been cleaning the filter biweekly and doing a 10% water change too biweekly, not cleaning the filter the same week i change the water tho, i been alternating those so that i keep the bacteria. Anyqays i hope to get some replies and im excited to hear from you guys, im sure i will have plenty of question as everyday i find new things in my fish tank.

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