Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Hey all I'm kinda new to the aquarium world have always loved them but never really had the $$$ to throw at the hobby. I have had a 20gl for about a year now and I liked the look and once I started looking at fish I started getting really excited about the hobby (I'm sure this sounds familiar to a lot of you out there.) so this year I decided to get a 55gl with my tax return. After spending a lot of time looking, my girlfriend found a beautiful setup on Craigslist 250.00 for everything ( bottom stones, lights, filter, and the little castle.) I have learned a lot in the last 2 weeks that I received the fish tank. and from all places my mom. to little of my knowledge she was angle fish breeder till I was born. any way I'm in love and cant stop looking and researching. I am glad that I found this site and look forward to talking to some of you. below is my set up I have added an air pump the rocks, plants, and all fish. please tell me what you think and any advice you may have for me.