Thought of sharing, I find it kind of funny 😂

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Good one. (y) Pin Cushion Urchins also like to cover themselves with things like shells, and plants and pebbles. They look like a rubble pile walking down the road. :lol:
Could someone explain what's going on there? Has the urchin fashioned a hat from bits and pieces found in the aquarium?
No, he didn’t built the hat. Urchins like to carry things around the tank as camouflage. I don’t think they care what they carry, just anything they find. I saw this at my local store and found it kind of funny, so I bought the hat from Amazon and gave it to him to wear
Urchins will use almost anything to help them hide. While their spines do afford them protection from many fish species, fish like Triggerfish, some Filefish or larger Groupers will eat them and can fight through the spines so they decorate themselves to stay incognito. Check out this " Carmen Maranda imitator. 1737910574898.png :lol:


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