Here is a post by Anthony Calfo "For starters, the lack of polyp extension in most Alcyoniids is generally no big deal. Most feed very little organismally to need polpys extended (they derive nutrition instead from symbiosis and feeding by absorbtion). It is not uncommon for some speciemens to go several months without extending polpys although a year is unusual.
Stronger current if random turbulent or surge like may incite polpy cycles, but not always.
I would have to agree that your Ca/ALK dynamic is skewed but don't think is has much if any bearing on the case here. Still, watch closely and do not let the ALK go any lower or the Ca much higher. You are definately on the splayed ends. You could indeed just do some water changes and back of the supplements except for buffer until Ca and ALk get more balanced and then simply resume the 2-part mix. Remember that you may not need extra buffer or Ca when dosing the balanced two part mixes. However, they will not correct an imbabalance either... you must begin with balanced levels and let the mix carry on.
Joe W makes an especially good point about not moving any coral around much. It is very stressful to do so. They simply need to be put in place and left to adapt.
You could experiment slowly with Iodine to see if the leather responds to higher RedoX levels fascilitated by small daily doses of it.
Another source of irritation to leather is microbubbles... any concerns here with that?
Under PC lighting, I would hope that this coral is in the top 12" of the tank and receives moderate to strong water flow.
Hmmm... I regret that I haven't been able to add much to the thread. Please do let us know how it pans out.
Best regards, Anthony
With kind regards,
Anthony Calfo "
See if you can glean any useful information out of it.