one time I added forteen thousand tetras to a ten gallon aquarium in one day....they all lived to grow beyond 7" apiece....quite the crowded 10 gallon! (JUST KIDDING!) I'm so funny....ahhh...sigh....what where we talking about? oh yeah adding fish...most fish like to be in larger groups with each other, yet nobody will tell you to add more than three fish at a time! BAH! my suggestion? give the new guys atleast a week (atleast...I've added another fish quicker, but mind you just one) then start small...I usually do a partial water change before I add any fish to get the water super clean for em'...I'm not the norm on this site but I rarely have fish die, all mine are happy and healthy...depends on the fish, I swear a bichir can swim in sewage...hardest fish around....mines a tank (and may I add tetra eating machine)....but back on subject...for you...if this tank is just starting off...go slow...I know I know...I WANT FISH NOW!!! yes, we all get the BLAM! FILL THE TANK WITH FISH! urge....but with a tank fourteen tetra and a pleco won't make much of a dent in the bioload, start slow...its important to get that delicious bacteria growing that eat the might want to feed your pleco algae wafers for a bit, I doubt you have that much algae growth this going to be a large community tank or do you have other plans for it?