Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I currently have a 100 gal bowfront with a modified overflow to run at aprox. 65 gal (to leave room at top). I am upgrading to a 125 gal aquarium which I plan on running full. (Im building an above tank cricket/mangrove terrarium on one side so the fish still have spitting room) Im switch to 2 fluval 305's instead of the sump I have now. I have had the new filter media in my sump for a little over two weeks now and DONT plan on using ANY of the older bio media. (the large bio balls wont work in the cannisters)
My questions are
1.) should i have the media submerged at the bottom of the sump or will the trickle work alright?
2.) how long should I leave it to culture before making the move
3.) how much of a cycle should I expect my new tank to experience?
My questions are
1.) should i have the media submerged at the bottom of the sump or will the trickle work alright?
2.) how long should I leave it to culture before making the move
3.) how much of a cycle should I expect my new tank to experience?