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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 13, 2009
Well the flashing of my platy's continued and now i am positive its velvet since there is a gold dusting clearly visible on 2 of the 3 fish. Im starting to treat it by raising the temperature of the tank (should I combine this with a ich-medicine that also treats other parasites?). But I was curious as to how this happened? I understand that these bacteria always exist in the tank regardless but usually only affect fish when they are stressed or poor water quality? My ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate is 10ppm so my water is good and my other fish dont seem to be showing any signs of the disease either and all fish are behaving normal (no sporadic behavior, normal (almost ridiculous) appetite). Just wondering what could have caused this to happen in the tank (fish are about a week old)
My guess is because they are new fish to the tank they were stressed and just more susceptable or the new fish stressed the fish you already had (depending on who has it). I recently added a Betta to my community tank. He was great for about a week and then got velvet. Water parameters were the same as yours with nitrAtes just a little lower. I removed him from the tank and treated him seperately. He responded well. I added him back to the community about a week ago and he's doing remarkably well now (I hope).
Alright Ive had the temperature raised for awhile but I dont seem to be making much progress in fighting the disease. Are there other forms of treatment to fight this off that dont include medication that will kill my inverts?
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