Wanted: Wanted : Pygmy Chain Swords

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 14, 2012
Looking for this plant or similar foreground plant. Max height for plant desired is 2"-3" with 2" preferred.
I've got dwarf sag. Very easy to take care of, sends out runners like mad. For the most part it stays at 2-3" but every once in a while if you have good conditions a plant will grow a little taller.
Hmm...considering it. I believe it can grow up to 1.0' but does stay relatively short. You willing to sell? If so, how much and how much do you have to sell? I'm in Akron Ohio.
I have over 30 at least. 50 cents a piece. Shipping would be USPS priority. Probably $6. I know this is a little counter-intuitive on my part but the plants will start sending out runners like mad, so you don't really need a whole lot initially. And yeah every once in a while dwarf sag decides it doesn't doesn't like being dwarf and grows to the top of the tank lol. You can always cut the leaves like you would cut grass. It's a lot easier to care for than chain swords or dwarf hair grass though.
Like the price. Does cutting it hurt the growth like vals?
I'm not sure. I've never cut any of mine. I've just heard they you can cut them down like grass. I'll only ship you smaller ones.
If I get 20 for my 125, will that be something you could do? Do you have PayPal? Your message box is full.
Sorry to hikack! What kind of light & ferts would you need for this?
Not really anything special. What are your lights/ferts? They don't need a whole lot of light and for ferts I would go with some flourish comprehensive.
I don't have anything at all. That's why I was asking. I'm going today to get the aquarium & plant bulb @ Walmart & the flourish @ petsupermarket. I had planned to go yesterday but didn't make it. The lady at a lfs sold me a bunch of cabomba & I put it in the tank, it's not bad but not my favorite. I really like the dwarf sag though.
I'm not sure of the name it was recommended to me on another thread. Let me see if I can find it.
Ok no problem. Do you at least know what bulbs you're getting?

Edit- sorry this posted twice. My phone was being slow.
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