Wanting a reef

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 27, 2005
Topeka KS
I've been wanting a reef for awhile and now i have decided to go for it. I have a 29 gallon with around 22, 21 pounds of live rock. I have two bio wheels but i plan on also adding a berlin air lift skimmer. Should i get rid of the bio wheels or keep them? Also i have been looking at a coralife 30" PC with 130 watts. Would this be enough wattage to keep some pumping xenias, some polyps, and some shrooms? I also have one powersweep 214 ph. Would that be enough water flow? And what kind of additives should i get. I was thinking kalkwasser, but i also have some kent PH buffer. Can I just use this instead?
Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. TIA

I would add another powerhead. See if the biowheels cause a NO3 problmes for you. If so, get rid of them. Lighitng should be enough for most soft corals and some LPS corals.
I agree with Lando need more circulation, You need at least 10 x gph in your tank (290). I have almost 20 x in my tank. Bio wheels should stay until you get mor Live rock and circulation though.
I would also consider getting more live rock. Especially if you are removing other forms of filtration from the tank
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